Friday, November 27, 2009

So how do you like my guitar playing style and music? myspace music link for audio included.. PLZ ra

go to

and then listen to my rough draft of a blues song I improvised to.

Sorry for the bad sound quality, I was in a slight rush, and didn't bother with the controls much on my digital 8 track, so how does my style and music sound to you? I am heavily influenced by the great Stevie Ray Vaughan. You can add me if you want. I need some new friends on my site.

please rate me on a 1-10 scale on style and how you liked it, lyrics are yet to come. Comments are always good too. I'm just a musician looking for some feedback on how far I've gotten in guitar for the last 4 years lol.



So how do you like my guitar playing style and music? myspace music link for audio included.. PLZ rate!!!!!!!

grindcore is retarded! the blues take more skill, and ska is retarded too! but i like the rateing you gave him.

So how do you like my guitar playing style and music? myspace music link for audio included.. PLZ rate!!!!!!!


So how do you like my guitar playing style and music? myspace music link for audio included.. PLZ rate!!!!!!!

mmm well.....blues are pretty easy, but it always sounds damn good.

i would give it like a 8.5-9 on sound 10 being professional

but no offense blues is an easy genre compared to, some ska, jazz, or grindcore

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