Friday, November 27, 2009

I cant make the myspace let people add music! help!?

i recently made a music myspace and i added a song on it, but it wont let anyone add the song to their profile. i have checked the "let people add to their profile" box and its been about 10 minutes and its STILL not working. anyone know how i can get this thing to work?

I cant make the myspace let people add music! help!?

is it music you wrote yourself? or is it a copywritten song?

if it's copywritten, that feature will probably never work, and myspace will most likely soon catch you and delete the whole profile

I cant make the myspace let people add music! help!?

Are you sure about this? Go click "edit the song" and make sure you put a check on a box that said "allow users to rank song."

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