Wednesday, December 23, 2009

ChangE sonG iN myspacE musiC playeR?

is there a way i can delete or change da name of da song on my myspace player?i want da music player to how but not da name of da songs

thanx in advance

ChangE sonG iN myspacE musiC playeR?

Go to a band's MySpace, pick a song, and then click "add song".

ChangE sonG iN myspacE musiC playeR?

You can do this, lot of songs available here, pls have a visit and

ChangE sonG iN myspacE musiC playeR?

You change the music like they said, by going to music, typing in the band, find the song you want and click on add, but you can not remove the name of the song without just deleting the entire song. To delete the song completely, click where it says delete on the player.

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